
*Inserts corny picture of black hands here* I haven’t written in a while and I’m sorry if this may come off as melancholic. I’ve been going through a lot of transitions in life lately. Transitions I can only talk about in part. Transitions through phases of loss joy happiness and pain. All stirred up of […]

An electrifying 365 days

Birthdays have always been a time of reflection for me. And often times reflection had yielded bad results, but not this time around . I really can say this has been my best “365” yet. I lived, I loved, I cried (well not really, but I almost cried) I rejoiced and somehow, somewhere between the […]

Golden boy

There was a little boy on street. He had skin that was golden brown. The type of golden brown they would call caramel. And when he smiled he smiled with his eyes. He would run about town playing pranks on people. He would play catch with the local kids. Sometimes he would fall and cry […]

Reality check

It’s six forty five am, and I’m taking a break from working on my project. Writing projects aren’t exactly my strong forte. What can I say? I try. I’m lying on the couch when then universe hits me with this huge question. What next? It’s not the first time I’d be asked such a question […]

Rat Race

If I asked what your purpose in life was, I would probably be met with a barrage of random goals like fancy car, big house, a lot of money, vacations and so on.  Hold your horses.  Money is a necessity, but we often make the mistake of thinking it is okay to center our lives […]

Is the new year really new? 

Hello and happy new year’s to everyone. It’s been aeons since I’ve posted on here and I sincerely apologise. It’s the start of another 365 days and we’re already eleven days in, as at the time of this writing. Many of us have made new year resolutions and many of us have broken same. And […]

A Tired Mind 

What do you think of me?  What’s going on behind that smile?  Am I happy or am I sad?  Am I friendly or am I just polite? I don’t mean to be a burden.  No everyone already has theirs.  Would you let me this one time bear mine?  I’d like to pretend it weren’t there.  […]


    I’ve been away for eons, and in that time I got a few messages asking if I had given up on blogging. Well, obviously not. Moving on to todays post. Well if you haven’t guessed already, it’s a post on minimalism. So what is minimalism? You probably think of a room with little […]


Hi guys! It’s been ages since I posted, I’ve been really busy with preparations for finals. I’d have liked for my latest post to have been inspired by something more peachy and not “grim” as some of you may think. Youve seen the title already – suicide. I think there have been more reports of […]

Let go…sometimes. 

A friend once told me I hold on for too long. I immediately turned defensive. I didn’t want to be that clingy friend. I was wrong.  Not in the sense that I am clingy, but rather in the sense that I give too many chances and too much room to be proven wrong….which is a […]