
*Inserts corny picture of black hands here*

I haven’t written in a while and I’m sorry if this may come off as melancholic. I’ve been going through a lot of transitions in life lately. Transitions I can only talk about in part. Transitions through phases of loss joy happiness and pain. All stirred up of course because well thats how life was meant to be. From being constantly dissatisfied to being thankful for everyday. To days when I found it hard to function.

The beauty of life is you don’t get days back and thus have to learn to make the most of it. I had an epiphany. And one wild night out put everything in perspective. One long bout of hypochondria, nagging anxiety and a reality check was what it took to get me here. Its a Tuesday morning. I’m home. Home with my fears my thoughts my worries hopes and all the chemicals in my brain that make me me. I found someone I lost a while ago. In the midst of my dark days and that was such a reminder that no matter how accustomed to loneliness we may have become. We still need our tribe. Someone or something that is our safe haven. Where we can connect with reality. Someone we can be naked to. Someone or somewhere we can be without the filters and the glow. I may have lost some parts of myself. My mindset may have changed but that’s life. Everything is in constant motion and certainly does not always make sense. It’s 10:33 am and my life ebbs away. Yours too. We don’t get to live forever. And life really is a gift. Here’s me being thankful. Here’s me being present. Love and light……Sodalicte

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